College Corner

A Brief Overview

A program designed to provide broader college opportunities to all Rebels North players ages U14-U17. Now’s your chance to capitalize on the Rebels North Experience full circle! By enrolling in the college development program spearheaded by our College Director, Rebels North will commit to providing you with the following:

  • Keep a record of players’ soccer development

  • Keep track of player’s academics

  • Educate & navigate through the entire college process

  • Provide tournament opportunities that showcase players to college coaches

  • Create team and player profiles for distribution

  • Assist students in contacting coaches at their colleges of interest

  • Host college seminar nights featuring college coaches as guest speakers

What you as a Rebels North player need to do

Register and commit to your future

To register with the College Development Program and receive information about upcoming College events and seminars contact our College Director, Christian Alcantara.

College Fit Finder

College Fit Finder is an essential resource utilized by the club in the recruiting process and is offered to all of the Older players at the club at no additional cost to our members.